Documents mentioned in NMA's newsletter and other items of interest:
- Letter to California Plant Managers, Owners and Operators from Dr. Murli Prasad on up-coming FSIS meetings -- October 28, 1997.
- Letter to Thomas J. Billy, regarding National Advisory Committee on Meat and Poultry -- September, 5 1997.
- NMA announces a Phone Conference to provide members with information for market withdrawal/recall situationa. Conference to be held on Friday, September 5, 1997, 11:00am-1:00pm -- August 27, 1997.
- Two Recent NMA EXTRA TRIMMINGS, regarding the Hudson recall and the separation of lots --August 25 and 26, 1997.
- Letter to Agriculture Secretary Dan Glickman, regarding USDA handling of hamburger recall -- August 19, 1997.
- FSIS Direct Final Rule on the Use of Glycerine as a Humectant in Shelf Stable Meat Snacks -- August 15, 1997.
- Congressman Jack Kingston (R-GA) honors former NMA leader Albert L. Piccetti in the Congressional Record -- July 31, 1997.
- NMA's response to Meat & Poultry Magazine's article in the July 1997 issue: "E.coli Sampling is the law, but is it valid?" -- July 23, 1997.
- FSIS Dioxin Advisories and Guidance -- July 23, 1997.
- FSIS Proposal regarding Labeling of Natural/Regenerated Collagen Sausage Casings -- July 17, 1997.
- FSIS District Offices, Management Staff, Addresses, Phone and Fax Numbers, Jurisdiction -- July 17, 1997.
- HACCP information and help from USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service -- July 3, 1997.
- Australia's Project 2 Proposal -- June 1997.
- Published in today's Federal Register are the results of the Sheep Promotion, Research and Information Referendum -- June 27, 1997.
- The Food and Drug Administration made available a guide to help small entities comply with the final rule prohibiting the use of protein derived from mammals in the feed of ruminants (published June 5, 1997 and effective August 4, 1997) entitled "Animal Proteins Prohibited from Ruminant Feed; Small Entity Compliance Guide" -- June 26, 1997.
- U.S. Supreme Court decides in favor of USDA's generic commodity promotion programs. Ruling -- June 25, 1997.
- The House Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee decided to increase funding by $15.7 million for fiscal year 1998 and decided against user fees (Federal Food Tax) for inspection. -- June 25, 1997.
- FSIS Food Safety Tips: Grilling and Smoking Food Safely, Handling Food Safely on the Road, and How Temperatures Affect Food -- June 18, 1997.
- USDA Press Release announcing Glickman's Reorganization of the National Meat And Poultry Committee and NMA Rosemary Mucklow's appointment to this committee -- June 12, 1997.
- USDA, FDA and CDC notice of grassroots meetings on retail food program standards -- June 10, 1997.
- USDA Advises Consumers to Use a Thermometer When Cooking Hamburger -- June 10, 1997.
- FSIS Notice of Public Meetings on Interstate Distribution of State-Inspected Meat and Poultry Products -- June 10, 1997.
- FSIS Notice, published in the Federal Register, on HACCP-based Meat and Poultry Inspection Concepts -- June 10, 1997.
- FSIS Notice on HACCP-based Meat and Poultry Inspection Concepts -- June 6, 1997.
- FDA's final rule on Mammalian-to-Ruminant Feeding -- June 5, 1997.
- USDA's Backgrounder and Press Release on addressing Concentration in the meat and poultry industries. -- June 4, 1997.
- Access FSIS Generic HACCP Models from the International Meat and Poultry HACCP Alliance web site -- June 1997.
- Summary of Australia's Project 2 Proposal. Prepared by the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service (AQIS) -- June 1997.
- Information about FSIS' and AFDO's Retail Meat and Poultry Training Satellite Conference Series -- May 1997.
- Documents related to the President's Food Safety From Farm to Table, a National Food Safety Initiative -- May 1997.
- NMA's letter to National Consumer League's Linda Golodner -- May 16, 1997.
- FSIS Technical Amendments to the final Pathogen Reduction / HACCP regulation -- May 13, 1997.
- FDA's Draft Rule regarding Substances Prohibited From Use in Animal Food or Feed; Animal Proteins Prohibited in Ruminant Feed -- April 17, 1997.
- FSIS/CDC/FDA Sentinel Site Study: The Establishment and Implementation of an Active Surveillance System for Bacterial Foodborne Diseases in the United States.
- Food Safety and Inspection Service's request for proposals for Animal Production Research & Pathogen Reduction: News Release, Proposal Descriptions, and Federal Register Notice - April 7, 1997.
- Final Results of Sheep Referendum - April 4, 1997.
- USDA's Quality Standards - March 31, 1997.
- USDA ARS' computer program to predict presence of pathogens - March 1997.
- FSIS Backgrounder FSIS Releases Survey of Advanced Meat Recovery Systems -- March 1997.
- NMA Advisory on current BSE situation related to the release of Deadly Feasts by Dr. Richard Rhodes -- March 20, 1997.
- Testimony of FSIS Administrator Tom Billy before the Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, and Related Agencies, Senate Committee on Appropriations -- March 4, 1997.
- Final Rule designating yogurt as an alternate for meat in USDA school meal programs. -- March 6, 1997
- Details on President Clinton's National Food Safety Initiative -- February 21, 1997.
- National Food Safety Initiative: Discussion Draft and Current Thinking -- Food Safety From Farm To Table: A New Strategy for the 21st Century -- February 21, 1997.
- Status Report on the FSIS Agenda for Change, remarks by Thomas J. Billy, Administrator, Food Safety and Inspection Service, before the National Meat Association in San Diego, California -- February 13, 1997.
- FSIS final rule on Zero Tolerance for Poultry. -- February 4, 1997
- President Clinton's Saturday, January 25, 1997 Radio Address on food safety.
- FSIS Compliance Officer Guide for Preparing Reports of Apparent Violations for Failure to Meet SSOP Requirements. -- January 1997
- FDA's proposal to prohibit the use of animal proteins in ruminant feed - published in the Federal Register on January 3, 1997.