Documents mentioned in NMA's newsletter and other items of interest:
- FSIS proposal on: Use of Two Kinds of Poultry Without a Label Change published in the December 27, 1996 Federal Register.
- NCBA's Press Release on the Average Retail Price of Six Cuts of Beef - December 18, 1996.
- FSIS' Final Rule on the use of the term 'fresh' in poultry labeling. Dated December 17, 1996.
- FSIS' Supervisory Review Guide for the Evaluation Process of the SSOP Regulatory Requirement -- released December 16, 1996
- NMA comments on HACCP Compliance, dated November 22, 1996.
- FSIS/FDA notice on transportation and storage of foods.
- Statement by Secretary of Agriculture Dan Glickman regarding resignation of FSIS's Michael Taylor.
- Statement by Mike Taylor on his resignation.
- USDA News Release entitled, Glickman Announces Head of Food Safety Agency
- Statement by Tom Billy on his appointment.
- NMA's letter to the U.S. News and World Report editors regarding the article in the September 23, 1996 issue entitled: the New Jungle. And the letter of response.
- To see the original article, The New Jungle, published by U.S. News and World Report, click here.
- Chicago Mercantile Exchange application, dated September 23, 1996, to institute commodity futures contract for ninety percent lean boneless beef futures and for fifty percent lean boneless beef trimmings futures.
- USDA's Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures (SSOP) Guidebook. (October 1996)
- FSIS's schedule of regional conferences (dates and locations) on the implementation of the final Pathogen Reduction/HACCP Regulation. As was published in the October 11, 1996 Federal Register.