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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the National Meat Association?

National Meat Association is a non-profit industry association that has served the meat industry since 1946.

What does NMA do?

NMA provides a variety of services, from one-on-one regulatory assistance to legislative representation, to its members.�

As well as hosting a variety of informative events, the association publishes a weekly newsletter, an annual membership directory, and a series of resources.

It speaks on behalf of its members on regulatory and business issues, in courtroom filings, in Washington and via press releases.

What is NMA�s mission statement?

To be the most effective meat association in serving its members.

Who are NMA�s members?

Meat packers and processors, equipment manufacturers and suppliers all belong to NMA.�The association has members throughout the United States, as well as in Canada, Australia and Mexico.�

Visit the links page for a list of NMA members with websites.

How do I get membership information?

Contact National Meat Association Membership Consultant Jane Anderson at (510) 763-1533 with membership inquiries, or e-mail [email protected].

The National Meat Association is a nonprofit 501(c)(6) organization for tax purposes (tax ID# 94-1037520). Membership dues are fully tax deductible as a business expense. NMA pays taxes on revenues that are used to fund nonexempt activities, relieving members from having to make calculations about the tax deductibility of membership dues.

Who can I call for help?

NMA�s emergency hotline is available for NMA members 24 hours a day at (510) 763-1533.

Who are NMA�s partners?

NMA partners with leading academics and outstanding consultants to enhance its member services.

How does NMA help the industry?

NMA provides responsive, resourceful and reliable service to its members and, in so doing, is recognized as a leader in the industry.

Why should I belong to NMA?

NMA is the foremost industry association in helping members, and in the toughest times it provides unique one-on-one assistance.

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