OAKLAND, CA -- National Meat Association is pleased to announce its 54th Annual Convention February 17-19, 2000. The Convention will be held at the Sheraton Palace Hotel in San Francisco, California.

NMA's keynote speaker for the convention will be Congressman Jack Kingston (R-GA) of Savannah, Georgia. Elected to the House of Representatives in 1992, he acts as Assistant Majority Whip and serves on the Appropriations Committee. One of his key issues is the promotion of agricultural exports. Plan to hear what he has to say about "Politics in the election year!"

NMA's Annual Convention will be packed with seminars, workshops on crisis issues, as well as many other activities. Topics include a HACCP update, information on reducing pathogens and fighting Listeria monocytogenes, breaking news on the coming Mandatory Price Reporting law and seminars on management, marketing and trade. Altogether NMA plans to have twelve Round Table Sessions, divided into the four groups of Regulatory/Inspection, Science/Technical, Business/Industry, and Trade/Marketing.

There will also be many fun events, including a Millennium Reception Special and the more-popular-than-ever Sausagefest. For more information or a complete brochure on 54th Annual Convention, contact NMA office at (510) 763-1533.

National Meat Association is a non-profit trade association representing meat packers and processors, as well as equipment manufacturers and suppliers who provide services to the meat industry. The association, with over 600 members throughout the United States, includes membership in Canada, Australia and Mexico.

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Jeremy Russell
National Meat Association
(510) 763-1533
[email protected]

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