Edited by Jeremy Russell

December 22, 1997

The International HACCP Alliance is Working for YOU!

The International Meat and Poultry HACCP Alliance was formed in 1994 as an industry step to help meet the challenges related to mandatory HACCP. Today, the HACCP Alliance continues to foster the development of HACCP systems from farm to table to ensure improved public health. It provides a forum where issues are deliberated and represents a very diverse group of members and can bring representatives from industry, academia, and government together to work on common goals.

The HACCP Alliance board has 21 directors representing all segments of the industry, and conducts meetings bi-annually. The current members includes over 120 members from industry associations, universities, professional societies, the government and third party/private companies from twelve different countries. Individual meat and poultry establishments are represented by their industry associations; therefore, individual establishments are not listed as HACCP Alliance members. However, we strongly encourage committee participation and input from all represented establishments.

The founders of the HACCP Alliance recognized the critical need to standardize industry-wide HACCP training efforts, develop a uniform position on implementing HACCP, and work cooperatively with USDA�s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS). Several options were explored by the HACCP Alliance relating to the standardization of HACCP training. The HACCP Alliance board agreed that the most important aspect of HACCP training is the course topics and content. Therefore, core outlines were developed for approval and a system for accrediting training providers that followed the core outlines was developed. To date, five standardized curricula have been developed, over 20 training programs have been accredited, and over 100 individuals have been approved as lead instructors.

It should be noted that the HACCP Alliance does not provide training courses, except for co-sponsoring train-the-trainer courses. Therefore, HACCP training is open to all training providers and the Alliance�s role is to promote the core curricula, encourage lead instructor approval and course accreditation.

The HACCP Alliance also developed ten generic models for USDA which can serve as resources for establishments to use when they are developing their individual HACCP plans. The HACCP

Alliance has also coordinated the dissemination of FSIS training materials and organized FSIS industry training programs on Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures and on HACCP. The first industry HACCP training program was held in College Station, TX on December 2-5, 1997, and industry participants were pleased with the program. Due to the number of requests, a second program is scheduled for January 13-15, 1998, in College Station.

While many steps have been taken toward the original goals of the HACCP Alliance, there are still many accomplishments yet to be made. The HACCP Alliance is dedicated to serving the industry and we are looking forward to working for you in the future.

For more information about the International Meat and Poultry HACCP Alliance, you may access the home page (URL inset) or contact Dr. Kerri B. Harris, Executive Director, 120 Rosenthal, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843-2259, phone: 409/862-2036, fax: 409/862-3075.


FSIS held its first of four HACCP Implementation Meetings in Washington, DC last Tuesday. The meeting was chaired by Dr. Catherine Woteki, Under Secretary for Food Safety, joined by FSIS Administrator Tom Billy, Deputy Administrator for Operations Dr. Mark Mina, and other agency leaders representing Public Health & Science, Inspection Operations and Enforcement.

Over 200 attendees included representatives of many companies that will come under the HACCP implementation scheduled for January 26, 1998, Washington lawyers and representatives of some of the large firms, trade association leaders and technical staff, and consumer activist representatives.

Additional implementation meetings, all starting at 8:00 a.m., will be held:

January 14 Hotel Savery, Des Moines, IA

January 16 Four Points Hotel, Denver, CO

January 21 Holiday Inn Select, Memphis, TN

Register by telephone 202-501-7136

A lot of information and back-up materials were provided at last week�s meeting, including:

FSIS Directive 5400.5 - 11/21/97 - Inspection System Activities

(This is a 14-page directive providing procedures, forms and instructions for the new system and the Inspection System Procedure Guide for SSOPs and HACCP, Economic/Wholesomeness, Sampling and Other)

FSIS Directive 5000.1 - 11/21/97 - Enforcement of Regulatory Requirements in Establishments Subject to the HACCP System Regulations (This is a 34-page directive providing instructions to inspection program personnel for reviewing an establishment�s HACCP plan and otherwise enforcing 9 CFR part 417.)

Issue Paper: Rules of Practice. This describes a draft proposed rule to amend and consolidate regulations about the refusal, syspension or withdrawal of inspection.

Issue Paper: Public Release of Salmonella Testing Results. This provides FSIS�s views on release of Salmonella testing data collected by FSIS.

Issue Paper: Strategy for Salmonella Testing. This states the agency�s strategy.

Issue Paper: What will be the Next Steps Re: Zero Tolerance. This elaborates further the establishment of Zero Tolerance as a CCP.

Issue Paper: Requirements for the Contents of HACCP Plans. This describes that GMPs referenced in HACCP plans is insufficient to meet Part 417; and that every plan must contain at least one CCP for each food safety hazard identified as reasonably likely to occur.

Many issues and concerns were raised and discussed during the meeting. Some of them are discussed in Lean Trimmings, NMA�s Weekly Newsletter which can be accessed through NMA�s website.