NMA Files from 1998
- NMA Fax Alert: Advisory on Listeria -- December 28, 1998.
- Meat Industry Coalition writes to Agriculture Secretary Glckman to demand E. coli O157:H7 testing program be evaluated. -- December 9, 1998.
- NMA Executive Director Rosemary Mucklow's Comments before the President's Food Safety Council in Dallas, TX -- December 8, 1998.
- (Draft) Preliminary Pathways and Data for a Risk Assessment of E. coli O157:H7 in Beef -- http://www.fsis.usda.gov/ophs/ecolrisk/prelim.htm -- November 16, 1998.
- Volunteers in Technical Assistance (VITA( maintains the Disaster Information Center (DIC). It is designed to match offers of private sector donations to respond to foreign emergencies. VITA has provided a list of InterAction members who are accepting contributions for Hurricane Mitch at http://wwwnotes.reliefweb.int. November 16, 1998.
- NMA Executive Director Rosemary Mucklow's speech to the Country Meatworks Associatioin of New South Wales in Australia -- October, 1998.
- NMA Executive Director Rosemary Mucklow's speech THE POLITICS OF HACCP IMPLEMENTATION delivered to American Association of Food Hygiene Veterinarians -- October 4, 1998.
- NMA Executive Director Rosemary Mucklow's speech to to the National Deli Council at their 30th Annual Seminar -- September 26, 1998.
- NMA Request to Agriculture Secretary Dan Glickman and Attorney General Janet Reno to take action to stop illegal South Dakota inspections -- September 19, 1998.
- Letter to FSIS Administrator Tom Billy requesting Pulse Field Gel Electrophoresis information -- September 14, 1998.
- NMA Fax Alert on Country of Origin Labeling and Mandatory Price Reporting -- September 4, 1998.
- NMA Announces in this fax alert the upcoming second edition of the HACCP Yellow Pages (with the contingent "Virtual HACCP Yellow Pages") and asks for interested Associate Members to take advantage of this new service -- August 31, 1998.
- NMA Regulatory Aide Teresa Frey's letter to Tom Billy about Labeling Review alterations --August 26, 1998.
- Letter to Tom Billy concerning recent modifications to test sampling policies -- August 7, 1998.
- Fax Alert concerning FSIS Ready-to-Eat Microbial Sampling directive (see below) -- August 6, 1998.
- FSIS DIRECTIVE 10,240.2: Microbial Sampling of Ready-to-Eat Products Produced by Establishments Operating Under a HACCP System -- August 5, 1998.
- Letter to President Clinton regarding his July 4th address to the nation on food safety -- July 6, 1998.
- Letter to Dr. Catherine Woteki from Ten distinguished food microbiologists, several of whom are members of the National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria in Food (NACMCF) concerning science-based vs. regulatory HACCP -- May 12, 1998.
- Letter to Dan Glickman concerning the FSIS's first Enforcement Report -- May 11, 1998.
- GIPSA released concentration data for 1997 -- May 4, 1997.
- National Meat Association's Guidelines for Developing GMPs and SOPs for Raw Ground Products
(pdf format;
Adobe® Acrobat® Reader required)
- Letter to Secretary Dan Glickman regarding due process Rules of Practice -- March 5, 1998.
- Letter to NMA Grinder Members regarding day-long meeting on March 4 at the Los Angeles International Airport to develop GMPs and SOPs for manufacturing ground beef -- February 23, 1998. (Response form attached).
- Remarks prepared for delivery by Dr. Catherine Woteki, Under Secretary for Food Safety, at the National Meat Association's 52nd Annual Convention -- February 13, 1998.
- Letter to Secretary of Agriculture Dan Glickman concerning due process procedures under HACCP inspection -- January 5, 1998. (With a fax alert by Rosemary Mucklow).
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