p SEND ONE OR MORE INDIVIDUALS FROM YOUR FIRM TO AN ACCREDITED HACCP WORKSHOP. Only an individual who has successfully completed a course of instruction in the application of the seven HACCP principles, including a segment on the develop-ment of a HACCP plan for specific product review, shall be permitted to develop a HACCP plan and reassess and modify a HACCP plan (CFR 417.7(a) (b)).


1. Assemble a HACCP Team

2. Describe the Food & its Distribution

3. Identify Intended Uses & Consumers of the Food

4. Develop a Flow Diagram (FSIS CFR 417.2(a2))

5. Verify Flow Diagram

6. Conduct a Hazard Analysis (FSIS CFR 417.2 (a))

p At a minimum, include the following elements in your establishment�s written HACCP plan (CFR � 417.2).

1. A list of the food safety hazards identified in accordance with �417.2(a), which must be controlled for each process. (HACCP Principle # 1)

2. A list of the Critical Control Points (CCPs) for each of the identified food safety hazards, including, as appropriate: (HACCP Principle #2)

a) CCPs designed to control food safety hazards that could be introduced into the establishment.

b) CCPs designed to control food safety hazards introduced outside the establish-ment, including food safety hazards that occur before, during, and after entry into the establishment.

3. A list of the Critical Limits (CLs) that must be met at each of the CCPs. (HACCP Principle #3)

4. A list of procedures, and the frequency with which those procedures will be performed, that monitor each of the CCPs to ensure compliance with the CLs. (HACCP Principle # 4)

5. A list of all corrective actions that have been developed and will be followed in response to any deviation from a CL at a CCP. (HACCP Principle #5)

6. A record keeping system that documents the monitoring of the CCP. (HACCP Principle #6)

7. A list of the verification procedures, and frequency with which those procedures will be performed, that the establishment will use. (HACCP Principle #7)